When I was in my senior year in high school an advertising agency reached out to my high school to create a competition between students to conjure advertising campaigns for Body Armor. Body Armor was looking to get a bigger slice of the Sports Drink market so they could in return sponsor the school if the winning campaign was a success.
On this project I utilized tools such as Figma, Photoshop, Miro, and Illustrator
For weeks my teammates and I would question our peers, take notes of the athletics kids’ social media, and check subreddits on the topic of product strategies to better understand what kind of solutions we could construct.
Seeing that I was the designer on the team I designed T-shirt mockups, Posters, and a High Fidelity Prototype for an app because I had no idea there were industry-specific user experience processes of designing an app.
The Coach told us that if her players could learn certain techniques from the pros, get motivational quotes and share their progress then that would build up their experience and confidence.
A student told us that if we could get that it would be great if we could get James Harden on the app which is funny because James Harden is sponsored by Body Armor so we could fake it into the prototype.
My team and I sought feedback from family, friends, teachers, coaches and athletes.
Friend #1: The app looks very nice. I like it.
Family Member #1: I like the app but I think that If you implement a challenge system it would keep the users more interested. I’m talking about scoreboards, prizes, etc.
Coach #1: I love the app concept and I hope you can bring this to life.
Athlete #1: Man you actually got James Harden on the app.
Add a screen to the prototype that would allow users to have more of a challenge when it comes to training and working out.
The design team clarified the user flows and made digital sketches to express various iterations of the homescreen. We experimented and compared with different blueprints, grouping the vital elements in the most intuitive ways possible.
Looking back on my work on that campaign I am very proud of the things I got done at such a young age. Without even knowing the industry-standard routines of creating a user experience my team and I did Competitor’s Audits, Interviews, Surveys, and other research in order to get to our final product. Even though we came in second to a team of who was more diverse in talents I still think it was a great experience and that it set me on the path that I am today.